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Efeito imunoestimulador benéfico da suplementação de Chlorella em curto prazo : aumento da atividade das células Natural Killer e resposta inflamatória precoce (ensaio randomizado, duplo-cego, controlado por placebo)

After the 8-week, serum concentrations of interferon-γ (p<0.05) and interleukin-1β (p<0.001) significantly increased and that of interleukin-12 (p<0.1) tended to increase in the Chlorella group. The increments of these cytokines after the intervention were significantly bigger in the Chlorella group than those in the placebo group. In addition, NK cell activities (%) were significantly increased in Chlorella group, but not in …

Efeito imunoestimulador benéfico da suplementação de Chlorella em curto prazo : aumento da atividade das células Natural Killer e resposta inflamatória precoce (ensaio randomizado, duplo-cego, controlado por placebo) Leia mais »

Microalgae for High-Value Products Towards Human Health and Nutrition

Microalgae represent a potential source of renewable nutrition and there is growing interest in algae-based dietary supplements in the form of whole biomass, e.g., Chlorella and Arthrospira, or purified extracts containing omega-3 fatty acids and carotenoids. The commercial production of bioactive compounds from microalgae is currently challenged by the biorefinery process. This review focuses on …

Microalgae for High-Value Products Towards Human Health and Nutrition Leia mais »

Benefits of oral and topical administration of ROQUETTE Chlorella sp. on skin inflammation and wound healing in mice

The human body is constantly exposed to the risk of traumatic lesions. Chlorella is a green microalgae enriched with nutrients, vitamins, minerals and chlorophyll. In some communities, Chlorella is a traditional medicinal plant used for the management of inflammation-related diseases. ROQUETTE Chlorella sp. (RCs) was investigated by oral administration (125, 250 and 500 mg/kg) and …

Benefits of oral and topical administration of ROQUETTE Chlorella sp. on skin inflammation and wound healing in mice Leia mais »


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