51 4100.1844


Detoxification with Chlorella

Joy Healey BA(OU), DipION, MCTha,

Qualified Nutritionist



There are many suggested detox diets, but the following is a 7-day plan recommended
by Patrick Holford, founder of the London Institute for Optimum Nutrition where I
qualified as a nutritionist. It is best begun on a weekend when you haven’t much
going on. The main steps are:
· Walk for 15 minutes or more each day
· Drink at least two litres of purified, distilled, filtered or bottled water per day
· Include half a pint of fruit or vegetable juice. Dandelion coffee is well-known for
liver support
· Eat plenty of coloured fruit and green vegetables
· Foods that boost liver function include sulphur containing foods such as onions,
garlic and legumes, complete proteins such as eggs, vegetables such as broccoli,
Brussels sprouts, beets, carrots, artichokes and spices such as cinnamon and
· Avoid all wheat products, meat, dairy, eggs, salt, hydrogenated fats, artificial
sweeteners, food additives and preservatives, fried foods, spices and dried fruit
· Restrict grains to a maximum of two servings per day
· Eat fish – salmon, mackerel, sardines, tuna, but not more than once a day (it’s
important to include protein to aid the detoxification process)
· Oils – use extra virgin olive oil for cooking and in place of butter
· Include a handful of raw, unsalted nuts and seeds: almonds, Brazils, hazelnuts,
pecans, sunflower seeds and flaxseeds
· Use silymarin and a good quality daily supplement to support the detox


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